
Membership form

To enroll, please select your membership type, then complete the form below.

  • Regular member : 50$
  • Student : 40$

* + applicable taxes


Membership category :


Are you a 'Thermograph certified' inspector? *

Are you a member of another association? *

Are you a member of a professional order? *

Have you been found guilty by a court? *
In the last 5 years, with the exception of an offense related to the Highway Safety Code and municipal by-laws, have you, or your joint-stock company, if you hold an authorization to operate in a joint-stock company, been convicted by a court, in Canada or elsewhere, of a criminal offense under a provincial or federal law or any other applicable law or have you found yourself guilty of such an offense?

Infraction to a code of conduct? *

Documents to download
Payment Information

Please enter your payment information. You will be able to review your information in the next step before proceeding to payment.

* Do not insert spaces.

Membership summary

If any information is incorrect, please correct it by clicking on the button Edit my answers.

Once the payment is validated, you will receive an email confirming your membership and you will be redirected to the home page.

First name : {{ formAdhesion[0].prenom }}

Last name : {{ formAdhesion[0].nom }}

Date of birth : {{ formAdhesion[0].naissanceAnnee }}-{{ formAdhesion[0].naissanceMois }}-{{ formAdhesion[0].naissanceJour }}

Email : {{ formAdhesion[0].courriel }}

Telephone : {{ formAdhesion[0].telephone }} poste {{ formAdhesion[0].poste }}

Cell phone : {{ formAdhesion[0].cellulaire }}

Company name : {{ formAdhesion[0].raisonSociale }}

High school : {{ formAdhesion[0].college }}

Program end date : {{ formAdhesion[0].dateFinCours }}

Company name : {{ formAdhesion[0].raisonSocialeCompagnie }}

Address 1 : {{ formAdhesion[0].adresse1 }}

Address 2 : {{ formAdhesion[0].adresse2 }}

City : {{ formAdhesion[0].ville }}

Province : {{ formAdhesion[0].province }}

ZIP code : {{ formAdhesion[0].codePostal }}

Curriculum Vitae : {{ fichier }}

Diploma(s) : {{ formAdhesion[0].diplome }}
{{ formAdhesion[0].diplome2 }}
{{ formAdhesion[0].diplome3 }}

Proof that you are currently taking building inspection courses at a recognized institution : {{ fichier }}

Passport-size photo : {{ fichier }}

Are you a 'Thermograph certified' inspector?

{{ formAdhesion[0].thermographe }}

Are you a member of another association?

{{ formAdhesion[0].membreAutres }}, {{ formAdhesion[0].autreAssociation }}

Are you a member of a professional order?

{{ formAdhesion[0].membreOrdre }}, {{ formAdhesion[0].autreOrdre }}

Have you been found guilty by a court?

{{ formAdhesion[0].coupableTribunal }}, {{ formAdhesion[0].infractionTribunal }}

Infraction to a code of conduct?

{{ formAdhesion[0].coupableDeontologie }}, {{ formAdhesion[0].infractionDeontologie }}

Name on the card

{{ formAdhesion[0].CCHolderName }}

Card number

{{ formAdhesion[0].CCNumber }}

Expiration date (MM/YY)

{{ formAdhesion[0].CCExpiryDateMMYY }}

Security code (CVV)

{{ formAdhesion[0].CCCVDNumber }}

Membership price :

{{ formAdhesion[0].prix }}$

Subtotal :

{{ sousTotalAdhesion }}$


{{ montantTPSAdhesion }}$


{{ montantTVQAdhesion }}$

Total :

{{ totalAdhesion }}$

Edit my answers

Membership completed

Thank you! Your membership application has been successfully completed. You will receive a confirmation email shortly.

For more information, please contact us.


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