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Membership application

Frequently asked questions

Conditions to become a Member

You must hold an Attestation of College Studies (AEC) in building inspection issued by an educational institution approved by the Ministry of Education of Quebec.

To register, you must complete and send the online form and provide a copy of your Attestation of College Studies in Building inspection.

Educational Institutions:

Steps and fees to become a Member

  • Be accepted as a member;
  • Pay the annual fee ($695 + taxes).
  • Subscribe to the Errors & Omissions and civil liability insurance of the AIBQ insurer.
  • The opportunity to accompany certified inspectors in the field, during the performance of real inspections. For a limited time, we are offering 3 accompaniments for free.

Conditions to become a student member

Be registered in a real estate inspection training course approved by the Quebec Ministry of Education. *This status does not allow you to do building inspections.

Student status will give you access to the member area, AIBQ news, training invitations, partner discounts and access to the AIBQ members Facebook page. Fees of $40 plus taxes.

Admission requirements if I am an engineer/technologist/architect, or if I have experience as a construction contractor

You must hold an Attestation of College Studies (AEC) in building inspection issued by an educational institution approved by the Ministry of Education of Quebec.

However, if you already have related training in construction or additional work experience, we recommend that you apply for Recognition of Acquired Skills (RAC) from educational institution whose training is approved by the Quebec Ministry of Education.

Educational Institutions:

Annual Membership Fee

The annual fee is $695 plus taxes, from January to December. The amount is payable pro rata to the number of months remaining in the year. (Example: if you become a member at the end of June, you only pay for the remaining months of the year, which is the equivalent of $347.50 + taxes).

Insurance fees for a new member

Basic protection at $1 million, for a claims-free inspector, the price is $3,250 (2024), including building appraisals and a percentage of commercial inspection.

Protection at $2 million, allows $3,600 (2024). Monthly payment available.
*Prices may change without notice.

All members must use the services of the Association’s insurance broker, except members of the OTPQ, OIQ and OAQ, if they have sufficient and appropriate insurance for the profession of inspector through their professional order.

Continuing education courses with AIBQ

All members must complete a minimum of 10 hours of training recognized by the AIBQ each year. These training courses serve to improve and maintain the skills of our members.

Do I have to do business with the AIBQ insurance broker?

Yes. To be in order, inspectors and certified inspectors must use the services of the Association's insurance broker, except for members of the OTPQ, OIQ and OAQ, if they already have sufficient and appropriate coverage for the profession of inspector through their professional order.

Benefits of becoming a member of AIBQ

  • Access to the Standard of Practice, Service agreements and Association protocols.
  • Access to our accompaniment program to complete your training.
  • Access to the AIBQ members Facebook page.
  • Access to online and live training.
  • Access to the errors and omissions insurance at a lower rate, reserved exclusively for members.
  • Access to the personal insurance program (Telemedicine, disability insurance, health care, etc.).
  • Access to member discounts with our partners (Bell, Loutec, ITM, etc.).
  • The display of your inspector profile on the AIBQ website.
  • The right to use the Association's name and logo in your advertisements.
  • Public recognition for being part of the largest and oldest association of building inspectors in Québec, which facilitates your business development.


Contact us for any additional information, or at 514-352-2427


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